Caron's Creations Who and What We Are

Caron’s Creations, Who and What We Are


The What….

This is Caron’s Creations and I am here to welcome you. I am guessing you have stumbled onto this page not by accident. We have many things in common most likely. A need to create and be creative. My little family are creators of Caron’s Creations and by taking a leap you’ll want to be on this journey with us.

The Who… or Whom Rather…

My partner and I are the two crazy people in charge of Caron’s Creations, all things DIY. The goal is to show people crafting is fun, and that its okay to “get messy”. We are not master’s but we want you to know you don’t have to be in order to create. Together we hope that you will love following our page’s as they continue to grow.

The Why…

The Trademark we want to set is that people are all creative and if you like it, try doing it on your own. Maybe we will even have the instructions on our page or email us an idea you want us to try and make to create the instructions needed. This is what we want our page’s to be. Filled to the brim and overflowing with ideas that are tangible and they are in everyone’s grasp.


Much Love
